How To Attract Women | What Men Are Missing

Can you spot the difference between the lives of the super rich and successful from all others who just manage to survive? The difference is really simple… while the super successful try to spot out opportunities in all they do, the ordinary-always-broke fella keeps “Passing On Opportunities Repeatedly” which is why they always tend to remain poor.

For instance, most of the mail order marketers who tend to perform very poorly in the business usually try to rent or hire a mailing list so they can send their marketing messages even without having a personal relationship with them.

They consider their marketing efforts a complete waste of their time and hard earned money if they don’t get the sort of results they crave for or make profits.

But this is not the same way with the most successful mail order businessmen and women out there today. These super successful businessmen know that money is made only when there is a sale from customers.

They can afford to acquire several mailing lists and even operate their business without profits doing so because they understand that customers can only be generated from a mailing list.

These smart folks simply spend large sums of money building mailing lists and acquiring customers by expanding their businesses (reaching out) to thousands of people on their mailing lists who would later buy products from them.

The secret is simple: while the successful marketer sees the mailing list as a treasure for his business and spends so much money garnering them, the other poor marketer sees a mailing list as trash and struggles to get it right.

What each marketer sees as results while trying to acquire a mailing list simply determines their success.

This principle also holds true whenever it comes to dating sexy, beautiful ladies too.  So many guys tend to make a lot of assumptions whenever they see a very attractive lady they desire. They instantly begin to make several assumptions and come up with reasons why they can’t approach her.

You get to hear thinks like: she can’t be single,  she’s married; she has a boyfriend; she’s “ way beyond my league,” I can’t date her;  ah, no she has turned down several other good looking men, guys that are far better  than me – she’s not going to accept me, etc., etc.

But smart guys who have been very successful with these kinds of women quickly “see” an opportunity. They realize that she has probably spends several lonely nights at home because so many men have been intimidated by her looks and haven’t been  able to ask her out for a date.

They also realize that so many guys with lots of goofballs might have been approaching her daily and this is their opportunity to stand out from the rest.

So, they approach her with a naughty boy smile backed with a  personal authority that makes them really attractive to her when compared with the  other sets of whacks that had been approaching her.

They realize that all she really craves for is the attention of a bright, funny, intelligent naughty guy that can really make her feel that magic feeling of his attraction. They know that their looks, income or age doesn’t matter to her – it’s all about the sort of feelings they are able to invoke in her.

Most times, these smart guys don’t possess the sort of looks, riches or assets most  ordinary guys tend to think these girls need but this is how they have been able to  attract beautifully, stunning women into their lives. Get the Art Of Approaching Women now if you want to learn more secrets and techniques about dating women.

Posted in Dating Women

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